Tuesday, February 23, 2010

To A Friend,

I keep seeing your picture on Facebook, and it makes me think, and remember, and smile a little, but mostly just think. And miss you. We didn’t even really know each other all that well, we were from two separate years and mostly just had Band and insanity in common, and by insanity… well, you kind of outstrip me there, which is probably something you’d be proud of. Maybe. I don’t know. I just remember you telling me about your girlfriend of a very long time, and a bunch of stuff that I probably shouldn’t say here. I didn’t know what to say. It’s probably a good thing you never knew I had kind of a crush on you for a while, there. But then, I basically had a crush on every guy who stood out, for at least a week. I blame public schools for that. At least those stupid things went away.

But I still miss you. There was also the time we tried to break into the locked piano in the auditorium so you could satisfy the craving you had to play piano that day, and it was pitch black in there, so I held my cellphone like a light so you could try and pick the lock on the cover, but we never got anywhere. And when we came out of the auditorium, we were both laughing because we’d just realized how sketchy it looked that we were sneaking into a dark auditorium alone together during lunch, and because that was after (or before? it’s all pretty cloudy now) the whole stupid fucking hormone thing, it was pretty hilarious. There are not a lot of guys who I would enjoy trying to break into a piano with, probably because most guys wouldn’t try to break into a piano, at least not with the sole intention of playing it. Shock—horror.

The more I think about you, the more I miss you, and this is a really bad habit to get into, especially since it’s almost two in the morning and I have to work tomorrow. It’s been a really long time since we saw each other – more than two years, at a guess. Or at least more than one year. Anyway. I miss you. I hope your life is going really well, because as a person, and whether you believe this or not, you deserve it. Rock on, man.

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