Friday, February 13, 2009

A philosophy, shaken

If anarchy doesn't work, and all systems of government are inevitably, irretrievably correupt, what options are left? It's always the idealists who wind up with their hands covered in innocent blood, in the end. Why is it that the only alternative to simply accepting a system so corrupt that we can do nothing to stop genocide, poverty, oppression... is rebellion-- and subsequently, violence, chaos, bloodshed...

Why must corruption and chaos be the only options? It defies logic, reason, human nature.

...maybe not. As it is, I don't think I can believe in pure anarchy. But what does that leave me with? Power corrupts. All governments must distribute power. The absence of government breeds chaos. And someone rises to the void, and the cycle begins again. So...

So we are forced to accept the rule of a clearly corrupt government? We swallow their lies, because the truth is open chaos -- riots, murder, rape, "shoot anyone you don't recognize after dark."

The fact is, you have to consider the past, and in the end, as much as it pains me to admit it, anarchy... doesn't work. All you really have to do is look at the French Revolution(s). When nobody's in charge, people jump for leads and leaderships, and it turns into "follow whoever is least likely to get you killed." And then you wind up even worse off then you were before, with more corrupt leaders, no equality save the equality of weapon availability, and so on.

What, then, do you do? Accept the rule of oil-tongued liars? Because they all are, every last one of those men behind the podiums, with their smooth words caressing the microphone and their eyes promising a better world, and their hearts lusting for power. (Anyone, I think, who wants power over an entire nation, is not to be trusted.)

That, or revolution, with the idea that it's possible to have a system that is not corrupt, and then bloodshed, and chaos, and war; it is the idealists who wind up with the most blood on their hands, in the end.

What is the answer to the problems we create by being human? When it's all said and done, what can you do but live your life, do what you can to fix what is in your reach... and leave the rest to the terribly naive, intoxicating, unshakeable belief that more people than not, in this world, are decent human beings-- and the conclusion that follows, that everyone in power, therefore, cannot be a powerhungry monster. Someone has to be out there trying to fix this.

And then there's the inescapable truth, that I am one eighteen-year-old punk in a world full to the brim of shouting voices, and therefore, in the end, none of this really matters because there is absolutely nothing I can do in the slightest about any of it.

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